Trabalhe Conosco,en

Estamos recrutando ativamente curadores que viveram a experiência da reunião da família de refugiados ou do sistema de asilo,en,Se você tem essa experiência e quer saber mais sobre se envolver com uma instituição de caridade, ficaríamos felizes em discutir qualquer um de nossos papéis com você,en,Um folheto de resumo está disponível aqui,en,Informações de liderança da experiência vivida,en,E há alguns,en,Informações sobre ser administrador no site da NCVO,en,Tesoureiro,en,Estamos procurando expandir nosso conselho e gostaríamos de nomear um administrador especificamente com as habilidades e a experiência para agir como nosso tesoureiro,en,Você estará envolvido no monitoramento de nossa situação financeira e nos relatórios ao conselho sobre isso,en,Isso incluirá revisar a receita e as despesas contra nosso orçamento,en. If you have this experience and want to know more about becoming involved with a charity we would be happy to discuss any of our roles with you. A summary leaflet is available here: Lived experience leadership info – Together Now and there is some information on being a trustee on the NCVO website.


Voluntary role: Treasurer

We are looking to expand our board and would like to appoint a trustee specifically with the skills and experience to act as our Treasurer. You will be involved in monitoring our financial situation and reporting to the board on this. This will include reviewing income and expenditure against our budget, Mantendo os assistentes sociais avaliados o financiamento disponível para eles e analisando o gerenciamento estratégico de nossos recursos,en,Você terá um papel em fazer pagamentos aos clientes sempre que necessário e gerenciar as autorizações e signatários em nossas contas bancárias,en,A função também incluirá a produção de nossas contas de gerenciamento e orçamento e contato com nossos auditores externos,en,Estamos recebendo aqueles com experiência vivida do sistema de asilo do Reino,en.

You will have a role in making payments to clients where required and managing the authorisations and signatories on our bank accounts. The role will also include the production of our management accounts and budget and liaising with our external auditors.

More information: Role description – Treasurer

For an informal conversation about the role please contact


Voluntary role: Apoio da família,,en,Exigimos um voluntário para fornecer apoio às famílias de refugiados que estão passando pelo processo de reunião,,en,Essa função ajudará a garantir que todos os nossos clientes recebam o melhor suporte possível no processo de reunião,,en,Você fornecerá suporte de alta qualidade a todos os candidatos e todas as famílias que usam nosso serviço, garantindo que as necessidades do cliente sejam atendidas prontamente,,en,Você trabalhará com os voluntários do caso atual e terá uma pessoa indicada para consultar se precisar de ajuda, mas deverá trabalhar de casa independentemente e assumir casos ou oferecer suporte conforme sua disponibilidade permitir,,en,Acreditamos que a função será adequada para alguém que gostaria da oportunidade de desempenhar um papel ativo no apoio às famílias e ser voluntário de maneira flexível,,en

We require a volunteer to provide support to refugee families going through the reunion process. This role will help ensure that all our clients receive a the best possible support with the reunion process. You will provide high quality support to all applicants and all families who use our service ensuring that client’s needs are met promptly. You will work with the current case work volunteers and have a nominated person to go to if you need help but be expected to work from home independently and take on cases or offer support as your availability allows. We believe the role will suit someone who would like the opportunity to play an active role in supporting families and volunteer on a flexible basis.

Gostaríamos de receber candidatos de todas as origens, especialmente aqueles com experiência no sistema de asilo,,en,refugiado reunião familiar ou trabalho com refugiados e requerentes de asilo,,en,Mais Informações,,en,Descrição da função,,en,Voluntário de apoio à família,,en,Para uma conversa informal sobre a função, entre em contato,,en, refugee family reunion or working with refugees and asylum seekers.

More information: Role description – Family support volunteer

For an informal conversation about the role please contact


Voluntary role: Trustee

We are welcoming those with lived experience of the UK asylum system and/or refugee family reunion to join our board. We are a small charity and our current trustees play various roles within the organisation, some taking a more traditional trustee role and some being more hands on with the work we do. All our trustees have good involvement with our case load as well as strategic decision making.

This is an exciting time for the organisation as we have recently seen a rise in the number of cases we are able to take on and in the types of work we carry out. This is in part due to new partnerships and grants received for our work. Our current focus is building our capacity and improving our offer to clients as well as looking at securing longer term funding.

What we’re looking for

Prospective trustees should be:

  • Enthusiastic and have an interest in refugee related issues
  • Willing to take an active role in the organisation
  • Confident in taking part in meetings
  • Competent with IT as much work is carried out remotely via email

We are particularly keen to hear from candidates with the following:

  • Lived experience of the family reunion process in the UK
  • Work or voluntary experience with refugees and asylum seekers
  • Knowledge of income generation and development in the third sector
  • Experience of developing relationships with businesses and/or partnership working
  • Marketing and/or fundraising experience

Full details: Job description – Trustee

Application process

To apply please email a CV and covering letter explaining how your skills and experience match the requirements for the role to Também receberíamos qualquer pessoa que desejasse falar conosco para saber mais sobre a função e como trabalhamos,en.


Although there is no formal interview process we would like to arrange for prospective trustees to meet one or more current board members.