Ahmed e Halima,,ar,Os namorados de infância Ahmed e Halima ficaram separados por cinco anos depois de se casarem,,en,Graças a um doador do Miles4Migrant, eles agora estão reunidos no Reino Unido,,en,Ahmed compartilhou sua história conosco,,en,“Nós nos conhecemos em uma pequena aldeia no leste do nosso país,,en,Nós dois estávamos na escola,,en,Ela,,en,Enquanto ele faz arranjos para o seu,,en,Iman trabalhou como arquiteto e apoiou sua esposa e,,en,porque ela era,,en

Childhood sweethearts Ahmed and Halima were apart for five years after they were married. Thanks to a Miles4Migrant’s donor they are now reunited in the UK. Ahmed shared his story with us: “We met in a small village in the east of our country. We were both in school. She …

Ibrahim’s story

Ibrahim’s family are being harassed by security forces in their home country. His father was seriously injured in one attack and is being cared for by his wife. Ibrahim’s wife and children have been issued with UK entry visas but his father’s was denied. Whilst he makes arrangements for his …

História de Iman,,en,Iman viu pela primeira vez sua esposa em uma festa e queria falar com ela,,en,Seus pais organizaram sua primeira visita,,en,'Eu me apaixonei por..,,en,História de Abraão,,en,Abraão e sua esposa Senait se encontraram no Sudão,,en,quando ele veio para nós eles tinham sido separados por três anos,,en,Quando Abraão chegou no ..,,en

Iman first saw his wife at a party and wanted to speak to her. Their fathers arranged their first visit; ‘I fell in love with her’. Their wedding soon afterwards was attended by over 300 people, família, friends and relatives. Iman worked as an architect and supported his wife and …

Abraham’s story

Abraham and his wife Senait met in Sudan, when he came to us they had been apart for three years. When Abraham arrived in the UK he struggled to contact his wife as she’d gone back to her home country. ‘It was very difficult, especially for me, because she was …

Zafeera’s story

In Sudan Zafeera studied Business Management and she’s now graduated. Her husband Ibrahim worked in a greengrocers ‘The same idea as Tesco, Lidl’. Apart for three years after Ibrahim was forced to flee Sudan the couple kept in touch on the phone and through Facebook and Whatsapp. Nós estivemos,,en,Quando ela foi capaz de fazer contato com eles há um ano, ela começou o processo de ser capaz de trazê-la,,en,Quando eu saí do Irã eu tinha um mês,,en,"Nós não poderíamos viver,,en …

Michael’s story

Michael is a child living with carers in his home country. His mother fled to the UK and lost contact with Michael and his brother for several years. When she was able to make contact with them a year ago she started the process of being able to bring her …

Nazafarin’s story

I was a teacher in Iran and my husband was a mechanical engineer. I had opinions about women’s freedom an unfortunately the government didn’t like it so I left my country to avoid being in prison for the rest of my life. When I left Iran I was one month …

Arash e Maaria,,en,No Irã, Arash estudou engenharia civil e trabalhou como engenheiro civil,,en,sua esposa Maaria estudou computação,,en,Depois de mudar sua religião, não era mais seguro para Arash estar no Irã e ele fugiu para o Reino Unido,,en,Ele e Maaria foram separados há mais de dois anos,,en,"Não poderíamos viver uns dos outros".,,en,"Quando nos vimos no aeroporto, foi um dos melhores sentimentos em nossa vida ... na verdade, é difícil dizer".,,en,Arash agora planeja continuar melhorando seu inglês para que ele possa ir à universidade aqui e trabalhar no Reino Unido,,en,Juntos, Relatório Anual,,en

In Iran Arash studied civil engineering and worked as a civil engineer, his wife Maaria studied computing. After changing his religion it was no longer safe for Arash to be in Iran and he fled to the UK. He and Maaria were apart for over two years; “We couldn’t live …

Massoud’s story

“I don’t know which one to hug first” Massoud has been in the UK for two years – when he left Iran his wife Mina was pregnant. His daughter Banu was born whilst they were apart and over the last 18 months he’s watched her grow from a baby into …

Abba’s story

Abba ‘s wife and son stayed behind in Khartoum when he came to seek asylum in the UK and have only been in touch over the phone for the past year. “I am very happy to see them again. I missed my son for the long time I didn’t see …