Zahid and Amira

“It was an indescribable moment meeting my family at the airport. The wait for them to appear through the entrance was almost unbearable and I joked that after waiting for two years why was it that I couldn’t handle the last two hours?!

The reunion was very emotional – my eldest daughter (8), who was most affected by our separation, came running to meet me and burst into tears. My second daughter was close behind, and then my son, who was only just taking his first steps when I last saw him, now walking towards me with my beautiful wife. I didn’t want to put them down. I wanted to embrace them forever.”

My wife writes: “It was so hard being away from my husband. Looking after three children by myself, while also managing the emotions of being separated and the uncertainty of what would happen in the future, was really hard. The children missed their dad terribly and it was painful to see that and be powerless to meet that need. Seeing them reunited with their dad, I felt such a sense of relief that now my children could have what they really needed, and a burden was lifted.

I hope this is helpful. We are so grateful for all that you have done for us.”