Use our service

Together Now supports refugees living in the UK to reunite with family members they have been forced to leave behind whilst fleeing persecution. Many people in this situation do not have the means to fund travel for their family, other costs associated with reunion or need some assistance to make arrangements.

Applicants must meet our criteria as below:

  • Applicant must have refugee status in the UK and be in the process of or have obtained UK entry visas for their families travel
  • Applicants must be able to prove they cannot afford to fund or arrange the travel themselves
  • Applicants must have been granted refugee status in the last 5 years and must be able to provide proof of their status to accompany any application

If there are extenuating circumstances, particularly around facilitating reunions for unaccompanied minors these criteria may be reconsidered.

Please see our individual service pages for the current criteria and application requirements.

We accept referrals from any charity, organisation or professional working with a refugee to reunite them with their family. We also accept self-referrals. The following pages outline the information we need to accept new clients: