薩爾瑪和哈立德,,en,我丈夫和我來自蘇丹,,en,我老公是我表哥,,en,在我們的部落,,en,與表親結婚被視為文化規範,,en,謝天謝地,,en,後..,,en,哈迪和索哈的故事,,en,“我在伊朗的房地產公司工作,Soha* 在美容行業工作,,en,我不得不離開我的國家,因為政府迫使我離開。,,en,法哈德的故事,,en,Farhad* 是他自己國家的醫療用品公司的董事總經理,,en,由於他的政治活動和隨之而來的風險……,,en

“My husband and I are from Sudan. My husband is my cousin, in our tribe, marrying a cousin is seen as cultural norm. Thankfully, 在愛上了我的表弟之後,,en,我們成了夫妻,,en,我是建築師,,en,我丈夫是一名土木工程師,,en,我們曾經,,en,我不得不離開我的國家,因為政府因為我的宗教而迫使我離開,,en,我是克里斯蒂安,,en,政府沒收了我所有的財產,,en,因為我的信仰和宗教,他們想處決我。”,,en,法哈德的故事,,en,由於他的政治活動和隨之而來的被捕風險,他被迫離開妻子和年幼的孩子來到英國,,en,他申請庇護並獲得難民身份,,en, we became husband and wife. I am an architect, and my husband is a civil engineer. 我們在蘇丹的同一領域工作,,en,由於該國的種族問題,找工作很困難,但我們設法找到了一份工作,,en,我不得不離開蘇丹,因為我在安全和情報部門遇到了問題,,en,導致與他們的誤會,,en,我和丈夫分開了兩年半,,en,在那段時間我最終感到孤獨,,en,痛苦,,en,和孤立,,en,儘管英國為我提供了照顧,,en,幫助,,en,經濟和道義上的支持我仍然覺得不完整,,en,有些東西不見了,,en,找律師的程序壓力很大,,en,我必須提供證明文件,,en,結婚證,,en,WhatsApp 對話,,en,電子郵件,,en,結婚照,,en,出生證明,,en,將對話翻譯成英語,,en.

Getting a job was difficult due to ethnic issues in the country but we managed to get one. I had to leave Sudan because I had problems with the security and intelligence services, which resulted in misunderstanding with them. I spent more than two and a half years away from my husband, during which time I ended up feeling lonely, painful, and isolated.

In spite of the fact that the UK offered me care, help, financial and moral support I still felt incomplete, and something was missing.

The procedures with a lawyer were so stressful, I had to provide supporting documents, marriage certificate, WhatsApp conversations, emails, marriage photos, birth certificates, translating conversations to English. 我不得不附上很多錢收據,以確保我一直與我的丈夫保持聯繫,,en,他們還要求我丈夫在英國駐蘇丹大使館接受采訪,,en,我丈夫剛拿到簽證,,en,比我覺得需要尋找一個組織來幫助我支付機票費用,,en,所以,,en,我聯繫了 Together Now 並解釋了我們所經歷的情況,,en,由於我們負擔不起旅行費用,,en,現在在一起真的很理解和支持,,en,我的請求被批准,,en,然後我直接聯繫了我的個案工作者,他非常友善,,en,慷慨的,,en,和病人,,en,我的個案工作者確實徹底完成了工作以及旅行援助所需的其他程序,,en, and they also have put in a request for my husband to be interviewed at the British Embassy in Sudan.

No sooner had my husband been granted visa, than I felt the need to look for an organization to assist me with the cost of the ticket fare. Therefore, I contacted Together Now and explained the circumstances we have been going through. As we cannot afford the travel costs. Together Now was really understanding and supportive. My request was approved. Then I was in direct contact with my caseworker who was extremely kind, generous, and patient.

My caseworkers did complete the work thoroughly as well as the other procedure needed for travel assistance. 她訂了票並向我詳細解釋了會發生什麼,,en,當我丈夫到達倫敦時,,en,他不得不自我隔離,,en,完成後,,en,她給他訂了一張去我住的地方的票,,en,當然,,en,在他隔離的最後一天,事情變得複雜了,但她盡力控制局勢,這樣他就可以離開酒店並搭乘航班飛往貝爾法斯特,,en,我很高興,因為現在我丈夫加入了我,,en,我感到安全無恙,,en,我和老公正計劃學習和工作,,en,我們會盡一切可能忘記我們所經歷的痛苦時光,,en,我們期待有一個成功的未來,,en,我建議家人不要放棄,而是要奮鬥,直到他們在一個地方重聚,,en. when my husband arrived in London, he had to self-isolate for 10 days. upon completion, she booked him a ticket to come to the place where I live. Of course, things got complicated at the last day when he was quarantining but she did her best to contain the situation so he could leave the hotel and get his flight to Belfast.

I am so pleased as now my husband has joined me, I feel safe and sound. My husband and I are planning to study and work, and we will do whatever possible to forget the painful times we had experienced. And we look forward to having a successful future.

I advise families not to give up but to struggle until they are reunited in one place. 我也勸他們克服痛苦,尋求穩定,,en,工作,,en,和成功。,,en, work, and success.”