Osman’s story

Here a client shares his experience:

“I would like to say that be with your family is so great a feeling. That feeling make you like strong after weakness.

I was so sad because l left my family and very sad for my wife because she was alone when she needed me. She couldn’t ask her parents for some money to buy something extra and she couldn’t call me at that time due no phone or not knowing where I was.

For me it was so hard time whenever I want to do something amazing or enjoy myself. I feel I am a coward because I didn’t know if my wife had a meal or not. I felt that I owed her so much.

Even now I still feel that many people are in the same situation.

I need days or months to just see my wife’s eyes and let myself believe that she is by my side I am not in a dream.

Just looking at her in front of me means I have everything. Навистина благодарам за сите што ми помогнаа да ја видам мојата сопруга повторно мојот живот,en,Се надевам дека кој и да е разделен, може да се врати со својот партнер што е можно поскоро,en,Целиот живот за мене е само да имам добро чувство и споделување со некој што се грижи за вас и за вас се грижите,en,Да бидам искрен во моментов, не можам да верувам дека мојата сопруга е со мене,en,Не мора да се грижам, но сепак ја повикувам веднаш откако ќе одам на колеџ и ја замолувам да се префрли на видео -повикот за да можам да ја видам,en,Јас сум над Месечината “.,en.

I hope whoever is separated is able to get back with their partner as soon as possible.

All the life to me is just having a good feeling and sharing with someone who care about you and you care about.

To be honest right now I can’t believe that my wife is with me. I don’t have to worry but still I am calling her just after I go to the College and asking her to switch to the video call so I can see her. I am over the moon.”