Bid and Rebuild: Charity Art Auction

Supporting refugees to rebuild their lives in the UK 16th November, 2017, Venue: 2022, 20 Dale Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester   Our auction raised £2600 for our clients and destitute torture survivors. Take a look at the artwork kindly donated by the artists here.   The night included live and silent auctions …

To lose a visa through lack of travel money is unimaginable

A debate in Westminister Hall on Tues 29th November covered many of the key issues faced by refugees in being reunited with their families. Thangam Debbonaire, who tabled the debate, opened with facts from the Red Cross including that 51% of applicants helped through the Red Cross through their family …

Connected families

Our Connected Families exhibition at Twenty Twenty Two was the result of a series of workshops held in Manchester with local refugees and asylum seekers which have discussed the theme of family. Our work centres on reuniting families separated by persecution and the aim of the exhibition was to discuss …


Welcoming Refugee Families: Discussing family reunion for refugees Monday 9th September: St James Buildings, 61-95 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6FQ Overview A one day conference looking at the family reunion process for refugees in the UK and the roles of different agencies in the process. An opportunity to share practical …

In their shoes: Understanding more about the asylum process

We’re offering an interactive workshop promoting understanding of the asylum process and how it might feel to be a refugee. How it works It’s card game based session looks at some of the situations and experiences for refugees as they leave their home country and travel to the UK. The game goes through …