Become a leader with your lived experience

“When you’re experiencing something, you can understand the issues and challenges, and from that you can work towards the solution.” Interviewee with lived experience.

As part of the Clore Social Leadership course one of our trustees worked with representatives to produce a toolkit on lived experience leadership for small charities.

In one workshop for leaders in the migration sector 79% of participants said they needed to do more to ensure good representation in their organisation by people with lived experience.

The toolkit and leaflet are available below for use by any organisation interested in developing this aspect of their work further. Please feel free to make use of any of the content and share these with others.

Download the toolkit: Lived experience leadership toolkit

Download editable leaflet – Lived experience leadership


At Together Now we have a strategy in place to transfer ‘ownership’ of Together Now to those with lived experience by 2025. You can read this in full here: Our plans