Together Now Annual Report 2022-23

“しかしながら, through all this, a glimmer of hope appeared through Together Now: they quickly approved my request and worked with me to find every possible way to bring my family. Their arrival became a reality.This year has seen challenging circumstances which have heavily affected our service delivery. Despite this we are pleased to


“タイで出会い、結婚しました。,,en,私はイスラム教からキリスト教に改宗しました,,en,これはイランでの違法行為です。,,en 2015. I converted to Christianity from Islam, this is an offence in Iran and punishable by death. When the Iranian authorities found out I’d converted my wife was away visiting her family in Thailand. It was hard being separated …


Childhood sweethearts Ahmed and Halima were apart for five years after they were married. Miles4Migrantの寄付者のおかげで、彼らは現在、英国で再会されています,,en,Ahmedは彼の話を私たちと共有しました,,en,「私たちは、私たちの国の東にある小さな村で会いました,,en,私たちはともに学校に通っていた,,en,彼女,,en. Ahmed shared his story with us: “We met in a small village in the east of our country. We were both in school. She …

Abba’s story

Abba ‘s wife and son stayed behind in Khartoum when he came to seek asylum in the UK and have only been in touch over the phone for the past year. “I am very happy to see them again. I missed my son for the long time I didn’t see …