Together Now Annual Report 2022-23

“Аднак, through all this, a glimmer of hope appeared through Together Now: they quickly approved my request and worked with me to find every possible way to bring my family. Their arrival became a reality.This year has seen challenging circumstances which have heavily affected our service delivery. Despite this we are pleased to

Briefing note – Conflict in Sudan

Around 30% of the families supported by Together Now are Sudanese. The current conflict in Sudan has posed key challenges to the following families we work with: Families applying for visas are unable to do so because of the closure of the Visa Application Centre in Khartoum. Consequently, they are

Walaa’s story

“My dream is to become an electronics engineer. My sister Wigdan’s dream is to become a doctor. My sister Nasma’s dream is to become a childcare [worker]. My sister Noorhan’s dream is to become a dentist. My sister Wedad’s dream is for her to recover and become in the best

Вопыт Фавада з пазыкай,en,Фавад* - афганец са статусам бежанцаў, якія жывуць у Вялікабрытаніі са сваёй жонкай і дзецьмі і працуюць у якасці памочніка ў краме падчас вучобы.,en

Fawad* is an Afghan with Refugee Status living in the UK with his wife and children and working as a shop assistant whilst studying to return to his previous work in IT. His mother, who was displaced and living in Pakistan got her visa to come to the UK but

Mohammed’s story

“My name is Mohammed Omar. I am from Sudan. I had married a woman and she gave me three children, three boys. Then we got divorced, she left me the kids and she got married to another guy. The kids stayed with me until I was travelling to the UK

Справаздача ICIBI пра адставанне ў рашэнні аб заяўках на ўз'яднанне сям'і бежанцаў,en,На гэтым тыдні незалежны галоўны інспектар па межах і іміграцыі апублікаваў справаздачу аб іх паўторнай інспекцыі заяў на ўз'яднанне сям'і,en,Сумна,en,Мая група інспекцыі выявіла, што хутчэй ..,en

This week the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration published a report on their reinspection of family reunion applications. “Sadly, Мая група інспекцыі выявіла, што замест таго, каб абапірацца на рэкамендацыі, якія ўзнікаюць у выніку апошняй інспекцыі ICIBI у,en,Прадукцыйнасць хатняга офіса фактычна пагоршылася,en,Гэтая інспекцыя паказвае сістэму,en,У ім выкладзены крокі, якія павінен прыняць спонсар у Вялікабрытаніі і членаў сям'і,en,Загрузка,en 2019, the Home Office’s performance has actually deteriorated. This inspection reveals a system beset …

Prepare, План,en,Уз'ядноўваць,en,Яго трэба выкарыстоўваць у якасці ..,en,Інфармацыя пра прыбыццё членаў сям'і,en,Мы падрыхтавалі некалькі кароткіх пакетаў для спонсара, каб падзяліцца са сваімі членамі сям'і, якія прыбываюць,en,Яны даюць нейкую асноўную інфармацыю пра тое, што такое падтрымка ..,en, Reunite

This information is to help you think about what will be required to bring your family to the UK. It should be used as a guide and some advice may not apply in your situation. “I would advise those in the same situation not to lose hope to be reunited” …

Information for arriving family members

We have produced some short welcome packs for sponsors to share with their arriving family members. These give some basic information on what support is available and what they can expect when they arrive. Арабскі – Welcome pack for families English – Welcome pack for families Farsi – Welcome pack …