Soha’s story

“I worked in real-estate company in Iran and Soha* works in beauty industry. Ek moes my land verlaat omdat die regering my onder druk geplaas het weens my godsdiens,,en,Ek is Cristian,,en,Die regering het beslag gelê op al my eiendom,,en,Hulle wil my teregstel weens my geloof en my godsdiens. ”,,en,"Ons was,,en,maande uitmekaar met Soha,,en,Sover almal weet, het Corona alles verander veral vir ons weens visum- en reisbeperkings. ”,,en,'Ek het die Now Now -kontakbesonderhede van die Refugee Council of die Britse Rooi Kruis gekry.' Miles4Migrante wat in vennootskap met Together Now werk, het vlugte bespreek deur lugmyl vir Soha te gebruik,,en,Sy het begin Julie na die VK aangekom,,en,'Die vliegreis was wonderlik,,en,sonder probleme. ”,,en,'Ons gevoelens was ongelooflik en ongelooflik ná twee jaar,,en,Jy kan jou nie indink nie,,en. I’m Cristian. The government confiscated all of my property. They want to execute me because of my belief and my religion.”

“We were 20 months apart with Soha. As far as all people know Corona changed everything especially for us due to visa and travel restrictions.”

“I got Together Now contact details from Refugee Council or British Red Cross.” Miles4Migrants who work in partnership with Together Now booked flights by using air miles for Soha. She arrived to the UK at the beginning of July. “The flight journey was great, without any problems.”

“Our feelings were amazing and unbelievable after two years. You can’t imagine. Ons was meer as elf jaar in 'n verhouding, maar ons het nie,,en,jaar geskei,,en,Ek het nog nooit so gevoel nie. ”,,en,Sê Hadi,,en,'Ek is mal oor Glasgow en Skotse mense,,en,Ek dink ek skuld Skotland en Skotse mense,,en,Glasgow is 'n baie historiese stad met 'n ou gewoonte en 'n goeie kultuur met vriendelike mense,,en,Ons het besluit om vir ewig in Glasgow te bly en te woon, en ons sal 'n baba hê, en ons sal 'n eie onderneming en 'n eie onderneming hier bou,,en,Ons sal Glasgow en die Skotse mense wil herstel en vir hulle sê dat u vriendelikheid en hulp en spesiale diens aan ons nie tevergeefs was nie. ”,,en,'Uiteindelik wil ek u en die Together Now -gemeenskap bedank vir u ondersteuning,,en 2 years separated. I have never ever felt like this.”

Hadi says: “I love Glasgow and Scottish people. I think I owe Scotland and Scottish people. Glasgow is very nice and historic city with old custom and nice culture with kindness people. We decided to stay and live in Glasgow for ever and we’ll have baby and we’ll make own business and own company in here. We’ll want to make amends for Glasgow and Scottish people and tell them your kindness and helping and special service to us has not been in vain.”

“Finally I want to thank you and Together Now community for your support. God bless you 🙏🙏🙏”