Iman’s story

Iman first saw his wife at a party and wanted to speak to her. Their fathers arranged their first visit; ‘I fell in love with her’. Their wedding soon afterwards was attended by over 300 people, عائلة, friends and relatives.

Iman worked as an architect and supported his wife and a few years later their son too. They had a good life together with lots of trips out together as a family.

10 years later Iman was forced to flee Iran, his journey was not straightforward. He lost contact with his family at times. After being detained without food or medical assistance in Europe he learnt his son wasn’t well and wasn’t coping with the stress of what had happened to his father so he decided to go back to Iran to see his family.

وأثناء وجوده هناك ، اعتُقل ، وزوجته وابنه كليهما تعرضا للضرب,,en,كان ابنه يبكي ويصيح من أجله,,en,تم سجنه وتعذيبه,,en,ساعده أحد الأصدقاء في الفرار وهرب على شاحنة,,en,لقد قام بتغيير الشاحنات في الرحلة ولم يكن يعرف الطريق الذي كانوا يسلكونه,,en,وقد وصل إلى المملكة المتحدة وحصل على صفة لاجئ بعد مرور عام,,en,كان متوتراً لمعرفة كيف كانت زوجته وابنه يفعلون عندما اتصل بهم بعد الوصول إلى المملكة المتحدة,,en,كما احتاج أيضًا إلى المال للحصول على بطاقة SIM للاتصال بهم,,en,عندما تحدث لزوجته بكت فقط,,en,كانت إيمان تشعر بالارتياح لتتمكن من التحدث إليها مرة أخرى,,en. His son was crying and shouting for him. He was imprisoned and tortured. A friend helped him escape and he fled on a lorry. He changed lorries on the journey and didn’t know the route they were taking. He arrived in the UK and was granted refugee status over a year later.

He was nervous to find out how his wife and son were doing when he made contact with them after reaching the UK. He also needed money for a SIM card to contact them. When he spoke to his wife she just cried. Iman was so relieved to be able to speak to her again.

لا يزال ابن إيمان متوعكًا وتوقف عن الذهاب إلى المدرسة وهو يعاني من الإجهاد والصدمة التي مرت بها العائلة,,en,يعيش هو وأمه مع أفراد عائلتهما ولكنهما في خوف دائم من السلطات في إيران ولا يشعر ابنه بالأمان للخروج من المنزل.,,en,يعاني إيمان نفسه من مشاكل صحية بما في ذلك اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة بسبب التعذيب الذي تعرض له في إيران ونقص العلاج أثناء سجنه في أوروبا,,en,"ما زلت أفكر في ابني وعائلتي طوال الوقت. إنه الآن يتلقى علاجًا متخصصًا لمساعدته في التغلب على مشكلاته,,en,أتمنى أن أكون مع عائلتي لأن الآخرين لديهم الحق في العيش مع أسرهم - في أمان وأمن,,en. Him and his mother live with family members but are in constant fear of the authorities in Iran and his son doesn’t feel safe being out of the house.

Iman himself has health problems including PTSD due to the torture he suffered in Iran and the lack of treatment whilst imprisoned in Europe; ‘I’m still thinking about my son and my family all the time.’ He’s now receiving specialist therapy to help him overcome his problems.

I wish to be with my family as others have the right to live with their family – in safety and security. لا أستطيع العودة إلى إيران وهم يستحقون أن يكونوا معي,,en,الزوج والأب الذي يحبهم.,,en,كان على عائلة إيمان السفر خارج إيران للحصول على موعد للحصول على التأشيرة,,en,كان القلق بشأن كيفية جمع الأموال للحصول عليها هناك قد نقل إلى المستشفى بسبب نوبة الهلع,,en,ونتيجة لذلك ، اقترض المال الذي لم يستطع تحمل دفعه ثم تعرض لضغوط من أجل السداد,,en,تم جمع جزء من المال له من قبل المجتمع حيث يعيش الآن,,en,تمكنت معاً الآن من سداد المبلغ المتبقي من المال حتى لا يضطر للتعامل مع الضغط الإضافي حول الديون بينما يواصل علاجه,,en, the husband and father who loves them.’

Iman’s family needed to travel outside Iran for a visa appointment. The worry about how to raise the money to get them there had him hospitalised with a panic attack. As a consequence he borrowed money he couldn’t afford to pay back and then was under stress to make repayments.

Part of the money was raised for him by the community where he’s now living. Together Now were able to pay the remainder of the money so he doesn’t have to cope with additional stress around the debt whilst he continues his therapy.