Ibrahim’s story

易卜拉欣的家人在他們的祖國受到安全部隊的騷擾,,en,他的父親在一次襲擊中受重傷,正在接受照顧。,,en. His father was seriously injured in one attack and is being cared for by his wife. Ibrahim’s wife and children have been issued with UK entry visas but his father’s was denied. Whilst he makes arrangements for his family to come to the UK he is putting in an appeal to get his father’s visa granted. When his wife leaves there will only be a neighbour to care for his father. If they do not come to the UK there is a risk they would not be granted visas again.

When his family arrive they will have nothing to live off for the first few days. The fee to the court is for his father’s appeal is just £140 but Ibrahim is already supporting the whole family with his single person’s benefit payment.

我們能夠幫助易卜拉欣為他父親支付上訴費,,en,在合作社區基金的資助下,我們還能夠提供每人30英鎊的抵達補助金,以幫助他們度過英國的前幾天,,en,艾哈邁德和哈利瑪,,en. With funding from the Cooperative Community Fund we were also able to offer arrival grants of £30 per person to help them through the first few days in the UK.