Faisal’s story

“I left Syria because of the war the country is going through. I left behind my three children, my wife and my father, who seventy-five years old. I went in search of a better life for their future. I arrived in the United Kingdom and, after obtaining the right of residence in the United Kingdom, started with the procedures of reunification, which was a little tiring due to the epidemic that the world passed through. After that my wife and children obtained a visa to enter the United Kingdom, but unfortunately my father’s visa application was rejected by the Home Office.

Hopefully we can find some way to bring my father here to all live together in safety. Now, after the arrival of my wife and children to the United Kingdom, the first step is that we must learn English and look for a job through which we can live and secure daily expenses. We hope that the situation will improve after that to start my own business.

After a separation of four years, I finally met my family again in the United Kingdom, with the help of together Now, and it was an indescribable feeling.

We found everything was very helpful very quick response and Together Now they understood what you need if you have special requests, and they try as much as they can to meet my needs.”

Refugees like Faisal* are entitled to bring over family members that fit a narrow definition of being ‘dependent.’ This includes spouses and children under 18 but not older children, siblings or elderly relatives. The Families Together coalition is campaigning to change this. Get more information on the website here: familiestogether.uk/