Noura’s story

Noura’s husband was forced to leave Syria as the situation worsened and his life was in danger. He fled to the UK and applied for refugee status. When he was granted permission to remain he applied for his wife to join him. They weren’t able to afford the flights to …

Ayana’s story

Аяна е избягал във Великобритания, в страх от живота си и е принуден да напусне съпруга си и малки деца, които стоят зад тях, за да предпазват,,en,След много месеци тя е предоставен статут на бежанец и подава молба за събиране на семейството на визи за съпруга и децата си,,en,Беше им предоставен,,en,ден входна виза и не знаех как те ще се намерят пари и да осигури полетите в този момент,,en,Аяна контакт друга агенция в техния район, който влезе в контакт с нас,,en,Взехме случая и резервирана полети за седмицата след,,en,Беше трудно да се получи директен полет до вкъщи град Аяна, но ние открихме една опция, която ги имам в Обединеното кралство на първият ръкав,,en,За съжаление бащата е било трудно да се направи, свързващ полет, без да има много английски и те са останали в Gatwick,,en. After many months she was granted refugee status and applied for family reunion visas for her husband and children. They were granted a 30 …

Matthew’s story

Habiba was living in the UK with her teenage daughters. Her husband Matthew was in a refugee camp desperate to be reunited with his wife and children. Matthew was granted an entry visa to the UK but there was only a 30 day window for him to travel. His family …

Travel service: Claude’s story

Claude arrived in the UK seeking asylum in 2002 but was only granted leave to remain (ILR) в 2010 as part of the case resolution directorate. He had not seen his daughter, Marielle, for 10 years by the time she was finally able to join him in the UK. Claude …

Thomas’s story

Thomas was a boy soldier from the age of 12 in his home country. Later he defected from the army and was forced to flee on foot to a neighbouring country. Not safe there either he found help from an army officer and managed to travel to the UK. Once …

Romain Историята

Romain, медицинска сестра, камера във Великобритания преди пет години КАТО преследвани от правителството в родината си, Демократична република Конго. Той е бил принуден да остави след себе си жена му и трите си деца и лети до Великобритания. It took four years until his application for asylum …