Zema’s story

Zema studied public health and was a project facilitator at the YMCA Ethiopia, Yosef studied IT was an IT co-ordinator and graphic designer at YMCA Ethiopia as well. “I have been forced to leave my home country because I have been receiving threats from the government and unknown people to …

Alain’s story

“I left Congo Brazzaville on 19 October 2015 and arrival in the United Kingdom the following day Claim Asylum. I left wife with seven children in Congo Brazzaville who was relocated to her parent for her safety due to my political activities in which under arrest and investigation. In 2017 …

Simon’s story

“I heard about Together Now from my friends. The living situation for my family before they came to the UK was a bit hard, as we all know life is hard. Especially in a long relationship where you’re living in two different countries. But we are now hoping everything will …

Salma en Khalid,,en,Mijn man en ik komen uit Soedan,,en,Mijn man is mijn neef,,en,in onze stam,,en,trouwen met een neef wordt gezien als culturele norm,,en,dankbaar,,en,na..,,en,Het verhaal van Hadi en Soha,,en,"Ik werkte in een vastgoedbedrijf in Iran en Soha* werkt in de schoonheidsindustrie,,en,Ik moest mijn land verlaten omdat de regering me onder druk zette om te vertrekken.,,en,Vanwege zijn politieke activiteiten en het daaruit voortvloeiende risico van ..,,en,Ik ontmoette mijn vrouw acht jaar geleden op de verjaardag van mijn vriend,,en,wij..,,en,haar man was onlangs vrijgelaten uit detentie in hun thuisland en stond op het punt om...,,en

“My husband and I are from Sudan. My husband is my cousin, in our tribe, marrying a cousin is seen as cultural norm. Thankfully, na verliefd te zijn geweest op mijn neef,,en,we werden man en vrouw,,en,Ik ben een architect,,en,en mijn man is burgerlijk ingenieur,,en,We waren,,en,Ik moest mijn land verlaten omdat de regering me onder druk zette om te vertrekken vanwege mijn religie,,en,Ik ben Cristian,,en,De regering heeft al mijn eigendommen in beslag genomen,,en,Ze willen me executeren vanwege mijn geloof en mijn religie.”,,en, we became husband and wife. I am an architect, and my husband is a civil engineer. We were …

Hadi and Soha’s story

“I worked in real-estate company in Iran and Soha* works in beauty industry. I had to leave my country because government pressure me to leave because of my religion. I’m Cristian. The government confiscated all of my property. They want to execute me because of my belief and my religion.” …

Farhad’s story

Farhad* was the managing director of his own medical supply company in his own country. Due to his political activities and the consequent risk of arrest he was forced to leave his wife and small child and come to the UK. He applied for asylum and was granted refugee status. …

Mustafa’s story

“I worked as a computer engineer, I met my wife on my friend’s birthday eight years ago. she was working as a construction engineer, we started a love story and then in 2016 we got married and had a child in 2018. My life was beautiful and peaceful. But in …

Amal’s story

Amal* was referred to us on a Friday, her husband had been recently released from detention in their home country and was about to be made street homeless on Monday. There was also concern about the supply of medication he depended on running out. Amal and her husband have known …

Farid’s story

Farid* arrived to the UK as an unaccompanied minor from Yemen. He was granted refugee status and with the support of a solicitor he applied for family reunion with his mother and three siblings. The family reunion visas were granted ‘outside of the rules’ as it can be extremely difficult …

Miriam and Khaled’s story

Khaled* had worked for international and local NGOs in Palestine before he was forced to flee and seek sanctuary in the UK. He is fluent in English and is now trying to pick up a word or two of the local Scots language. He has been granted refugee status in …