Arash and Maaria

In Iran Arash studied civil engineering and worked as a civil engineer, his wife Maaria studied computing.

改變他的宗教之後,它不再是安全的阿拉什是在伊朗,他逃到英國,,en,他和Maaria相距超過兩年,,en,“我們生活中不能沒有對方。”,,en,“當我們看到對方在機場那是在我們的生命中最好的感覺之一...其實這是很難說的。”,,en,阿拉什現在計劃繼續提高他的英語,所以他可以去上大學在這裡和在英國工作,,en. He and Maaria were apart for over two years; “We couldn’t live without each other.”

“When we saw each other at the airport it was one of the best feelings in our life…actually it is hard to say.”
Arash now plans to continue improving his English so he can go to university here and work in the UK.