Amal’s story

Amal* was referred to us on a Friday, her husband had been recently released from detention in their home country and was about to be made street homeless on Monday. There was also concern about the supply of medication he depended on running out.

阿马尔(Amal)和她的丈夫从小就彼此认识,但现在已经分开七年了,,en,阿玛(Amal)在英国有三个孩子,其中一个孩子身体不好,,en,她的丈夫一直在他的祖国学习,但由于战争而不得不停下来。,,en,自从他因为政治原因被关进监狱以来,,en,我们能够在当天预订机票,,en,我们成立了Whatsapp小组,以使我们能够与家人交流并快速共享所有文书工作,,en,阿玛(Amal)可以添加一个朋友来帮助口译,,en,她的朋友可以解释Covid出发前的测试要求,并通过口译员与推荐慈善机构进行了通话,从而为她提供了支持。,,en. Amal had their three children with her in the UK one of whom is in ill health. Her husband has been studying in his home country but had to stop because of the war, he had been in prison for political reasons since 2013.

We were able to make a booking for a flight the same day. We set up a Whatsapp group to allow us to communicate with the family and share all the paperwork quickly. Amal was able to add a friend to help with interpreting. Her friend was able to explain the pre departure Covid testing requirements and this was supported by a call with the referral charity using an interpreter. 所需的Covid测试已完成,我们已预订了英国Covid测试,并支持他们完成了公共健康和移民旅客定位器论坛,,en,阿玛(Amal)的丈夫在星期一晚上旅行,在星期二早上到达,,en,他的药用完前几天,,en,“他在旅行的所有过程中都没有遇到任何困难,,en,签入,,en,过境并到达英国,,en,他们也没有任何重大问题,因为他们对我们两个组织都信任,,en,他们认为沟通和预订过程都很好,,en,她说,与旅行本身相比,他们更担心未来以及抵达英国后会发生什么事情,,en,他们对相同情况下的其他家庭没有任何建议,,en.

Amal’s husband travelled on Monday night and arrived on Tuesday morning, days before his medication ran out.

“He didn’t have any difficulty in all the process of travelling (checking in, transit and arriving to the UK). They also didn’t have any major concerns because they trusted in both our organisations, and they thought that the communication and booking process was good. She said they worried more about the future and what would happen after the arrival to the UK than about the travel itself. They don’t have any advice for other families in the same situation, 只是人们应该接触我们的组织,因为他们非常感谢我们的支持。”,,en,推荐慈善机构的反馈,,en,“在机场开会很令人激动,,en,为了未来,我们要安定下来,,en,为我们的孩子提供教育并保持安全。”,,en,名称和详细信息已更改以保护家庭身份,,en (Feedback from referral charity)

“Meeting at the airport was very emotional. For the future we want to settle, provide education to our children and be safe.”


*Names and details changed to protect the family’s identity